Townspeople and Upgrades!

Hi, everyone!

Development's still going ahead, don't worry. We're both pretty busy people, so things are moving slowly, but they are moving. As you saw in the last devlog, we've switched engines and are now using Godot, which has been a big change, but a welcome one! A little peek behind the curtain on how we're building quests is coming in the next devlog, so keep an eye out if you're interested.

This is just a quick update to shed some light on our ideas for upgrades and how townspeople will be implemented in Corpsefall. Townspeople move in as you progress through the game, and each one brings a new feature/building/minigame. We're referring to these as "Upgrades", internally. Below is our rough draft of the different upgrades to unlock, as well as their proposed uses:


Rift: Basic upgrade to gather the Void resource
Herbs: Basic upgrade to gather the Herb resource
Wood: Basic upgrade to gather the Wood resource
Ores: Basic upgrade to gather the Ore resource


Dungn: A multi-level dungeon the player can explore to find relics to sacrifice to the demon at the Altar or cleanse with the priest at Faith. Each floor has a boss monster that, once defeated, can be trained to fight in the Arena

Tame (Previously named Train): A Tamagotchi-style minigame where you take care of and train the bosses from the Dungn

Arena: A Pokemon-style minigame where you fight against opponents with your trained boss from the Dungn. To get further in the Arena, you need to find and train better bosses from lower levels in the Dungn


Altar/Faith: Player chooses one of these, but can’t choose both. Sacrifice or cleanse relics from the Dungn to obtain blessings or helpful curses(?) that affect other upgrades. 

Pub: An idle-ish minigame about running a tavern and making better/different drinks

Build: A resource management minigame used to construct housing for the town of Corpsefall

Stage: A narrative minigame about putting on a a few plays for the town. You start by donating a requested item, which determines the genre of play. Each genre has a different story and certain items needed to put it on. This is more of a casual, narrative minigame

Magi: A minigame where you solve puzzles or clues to decipher magic scrolls. These scrolls, once deciphered, are spells that can improve stats in other upgrades. More health in the Dungn, lower production cost in the Build minigame, etc.


Mart: Maybe a shop simulator? Possibly too similar to other upgrades we have, plus you already run a potion, etc. shop
Duopus/Alien language: Another casual upgrade, maybe. More of a narrative one like "Stage" to tell the Duopus's story

These are going to be workshopped, re-evaluated, tested, and refined as development of Corpsefall progresses, but it's our starting point! What are your thoughts/ideas/opinions on the upgrades system? Let us know!

-LEMNSQZY (Taylor)


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